151818920 CLOUD COMPUTING ( 3 Crd.Hrs )

This course covers advanced (hot) topics in cloud computing, a leading paradigm for cost-effective, scalable, well-managed computing. The topics include: cloud storage systems, content distribution and retrieval, resource availability, programming models, coordination and synchronization, cloud management, cloud security and privacy, and related legal and economical issues. The student is expected to independently review the basics of cloud computing, as well as to deliver a presentation and to write a report on related research topics. Course Objectives The main objective of this course is two-fold: First, to develop the student's understanding of several advanced topics in cloud computing (e.g. describe how cloud storage systems work, describe and discuss security and privacy issues of cloud computing, analyze the performance as well as storage and maintenance overhead of content distribution overlays, develop distributed applications using Hadoop, employ Apache's ZooKeeper to coordinate distributed applications). Second, to enable the student to look for, identify, and discuss research problems related to cloud computing and their state-of-the-art solutions