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Saturday, October 6, 2018

The two researchers from Biology & Biotechnology department at Arab American University, Dr. Hilal Zeid and Dr. Saba Shank, recently won three international research invitations in partnership with European researchers from Germany and France, funded by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Palestine, And the French consulate within Al-Maqdesi project.

Regarding research projects Dr. Helal Zeid, from AAUP in partnership with Dr. Cedric Lahosin from University of Lille in France, received a scholarship from the French Consulate within Al-Maqdesi project with an amount of 20 thousand Euros for the research entitled "Determining the mechanism of action and the targeted proteins for the chemicals extracted from Basil plant in the treatment of diabetes "

Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Part of the educational tools exhibition

Biology and Biotechnology Department at AAUJ Faculty of Science opened an educational tools exhibition, it included games, educational tools and mummified animals done by the department students in participation with Najda Association and Freedom Theater.

The exhibition launched with VP for Training Affairs Dr. Nizam Diab speech, in which he stressed on the importance of organizing scientific exhibitions in partnership with local institutions. He said this exhibition is an opportunity to see biology and biotechnology students’ work, it’s also active partnership through cooperating with institutions to display games, tools and teaching tools for children and school students.

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