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Strategic Planning

Sunday, March 31, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Iman Ragheb in the Strategic Planning and Fundraising Program

Researcher Iman Hassan Ragheb, a student in the Master’s Program in Strategic Planning and Fundraising, has defended her thesis titled “Examining the Effectiveness of Social Studies Curriculum and Teachers Perceptions’ of the Value System for Seventh and Eighth Grades in Palestine: A Proposed Model".

The study examines the effectiveness of the Palestinian educational system in instilling good values among students, comparing seventh and eighth grade textbooks. The study reveals that the seventh grade textbook shows a higher degree of value system inclusion compared to the eighth grade textbook. It also reveals distinct patterns in integrating moral, religious, social, and national values into school textbooks. The seventh grade book excels in its coverage of moral, religious, social, and national values to a greater extent over the eighth book.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Raja’i Baraka in the Strategic Planning and Fundraising Program

Researcher Raja’i Ihab Baraka, a student in the Master’s Program in Strategic Planning and Fundraising, has defended the thesis titled “Assessment of Business Process Reengineering as a Strategic Planning Practice towards Enhanced Management and Productivity”.

The present study aims to realize the results of applying the principle of process reengineering in the Palestinian private sector, by studying five main variables. These variables are the extent of application of process reengineering, senior management support, communication with employees, rethinking business, the way processes are arranged and their relationship to the results of applying the process reengineering.

Saturday, December 7, 2019
هيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة UN Women تختار أستاذة من الجامعة لتمثيل فلسطين في الندوة الدولية رفيعة المستوى في روما لتعزيز مشاركة المرأة في عمليات صنع القرار

UN Women has chosen a professor from AAUP to represent Palestine in a high-level international symposium in Rome that aims to enhance the participation of women in the decision making processes.

UN Woman, the global champion for women, has chosen Dr. Dalal Iriqat - a professor in the Conflict Resolution and Strategic Planning programs in the Faculty of Graduate Studies in AAUP to represent Palestine in the high-level international seminar in Rome.


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