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Monday, January 29, 2024
Researcher Mahmoud Mohammad Saeed Defends Master’s Thesis in the Applied Islamic Finance Program

Researcher Mahmoud Saeed, a student in the Master’s program in Applied Islamic Finance, defended his thesis titled: “The Impact of Digital Transformation on Competitive Advantage - A Case Study of Islamic Banks in Palestine.”

The study aimed to identify the impact of digital transformation on competitive advantage, “a case study of Islamic banks in Palestine”. The researcher used a descriptive analytical method as an approach to the study, and developed a questionnaire consisting of 46 items distributed over two main areas. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample size of (301) male and female employees selected following a systematic random sampling method.

Sunday, January 28, 2024
Researcher Randa Mohammad Taher Defends Master’s Thesis in the Applied Islamic Finance Program

Researcher Randa Mohammad Taher, a student in the Applied Islamic Finance master’s program in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, defended her thesis entitled “The Impact of Covid-19 on the Profitability of Islamic Banks Compared to Commercial Banks in Palestine.”

The researcher presented the stages of writing and the results of her thesis. The thesis was supervised by Dr. Rasha Abbadi. Dr. Sharif Abukarsh was the internal examiner and Dr. Mufid Al Zahir was the external examiner from An-Najah National University. The committee decided to award the student with the master’s degree.

Sunday, January 28, 2024
Researcher Abd Alrahman Bassam Abu Rub Defends Master’s Thesis in the Applied Islamic Finance program

Researcher Abd Alrahman Bassam Abu Rub, a student in the Master’s program in Applied Islamic Finance, defended his thesis entitled: “Crypto-currencies from an Islamic Perspective.”

The study dealt with the concept of currency and virtual digital cash, how to trade it electronically, the consequences of its issuance and the economic impacts it produces, and determining the religious controls in terms of its disbursement and circulation in a consistent manner with Islamic Sharia.


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