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Sustainable Development Policy


AAUP is committed to sustainable development and actively contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This policy outlines the University’s dedication to integrating sustainable practices across all aspects of its operations, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility, and addressing social and economic challenges. By aligning the University efforts with the SDGs, AAUP aims to create a resilient and sustainable university community that contributes to global sustainability and inclusive development.

Policy Statement

AAUP is dedicated to the following principles and standards of sustainable development:

  1. Environmental Stewardship:
    • AAUP prioritizes environmental sustainability by implementing practices that minimize the University’s ecological footprint, promote biodiversity conservation, mitigate climate change, and protect natural resources.
    • AAUP strives to achieve carbon neutrality, reduce energy consumption, increase the use of renewable energy sources, and implement sustainable transportation options to minimize greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Social Inclusion and Equity:
    • AAUP promotes social inclusion and equity by ensuring equal access to education, resources, and opportunities for all members of the university community, irrespective of their backgrounds or circumstances.
    • AAUP actively supports initiatives that address social disparities, promote diversity and inclusion, and contribute to poverty eradication and social well-being.
  3. Quality Education and Research for Sustainability:
    • AAUP integrates sustainability principles and knowledge into its curriculum, research programs, and co-curricular activities to educate and empower students with the necessary skills and knowledge to address sustainable development challenges.
    • AAUP promotes interdisciplinary research, innovation, and partnerships that contribute to solutions for environmental and societal challenges outlined in the SDGs.
  4. Responsible Consumption and Production:
    • AAUP strives for responsible consumption and production patterns by implementing sustainable procurement practices, reducing waste generation, promoting recycling and circular economy principles, and advocating for sustainable business practices.
    • AAUP encourages the university community to adopt sustainable lifestyles, promote awareness of sustainable consumption, and engage in waste reduction initiatives.
  5. Partnerships and Collaboration:
    • AAUP actively seeks partnerships and collaboration with external organizations, government agencies, community groups, and other higher education institutions to share knowledge, resources, and best practices related to sustainable development.
    • AAUP engages in joint initiatives, research projects, and community outreach programs to contribute to regional and global sustainability efforts and address shared challenges.
    • AAUP participates effectively in international university rankings related to sustainability goals such as the Greenmetric and the Times Higher Education impact rankings.
  6. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting:
    • AAUP establishes mechanisms to monitor and evaluate our progress toward the SDGs, setting targets, and tracking key performance indicators related to sustainability.
    • AAUP regularly reports on our sustainability efforts, achievements, and challenges, ensuring transparency and accountability to stakeholders.

Implementation and Compliance

To ensure the successful implementation of this Sustainable Development Policy, AAUP will:

  1. Designate responsible individuals or offices to oversee the implementation, communication, and monitoring of this policy.
  2. Develop and disseminate guidelines, procedures, and educational resources that support sustainable practices and contribute to the SDGs.
  3. Incorporate the SDGs into strategic planning processes, identifying specific targets and initiatives that align with the university's mission and values.
  4. Provide training and educational opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders to enhance their understanding of sustainable development principles and foster a culture of sustainability.
  5. Regularly assess and report on progress towards the SDGs, reviewing and updating initiatives and strategies as needed to ensure continuous improvement.


The following measures (indicators) can be used to assess the utilization of this policy:

  1. Environmental Impact Reduction: Measurement of the institution's reduced ecological footprint, such as energy consumption, water usage, and waste generation.
  2. Green Initiatives Implementation: Number of sustainable projects or initiatives implemented (e.g., renewable energy, waste reduction, green buildings).
  3. Sustainability Education: Percentage of students and faculty participating in sustainability-focused educational programs or workshops.
  4. Community Engagement: Number of collaborations with local communities or organizations to promote sustainable practices.
  5. Policy Integration: Measurement of the integration of sustainable development principles across various areas of the institution.

Policy Ownership and Stakeholder(s)

Policy Owner

VP for Planning, Development, and Quality

Other stakeholder(s)

VP for Administrative and Financial Affairs